
Getting Clear About Your Smile

Getting Clear About Your Smile

Flashy metal grins fill the pages of most high school yearbooks, a rite of passage for many teenagers. Not long ago, misaligned teeth left you with two options: live with them or wire up. But today you’ll find new stealth ways to straighten out your smile. And that means a confident new look lies within reach of everyone, regardless of age.

For most patients, straight teeth mean a terrific smile. But did you know that properly aligned teeth are healthier? Overlapped, crooked, or rotated teeth create a daily cleaning challenge. Food and bacterial plaque accumulate slowly in the tiny spaces that your toothbrush and floss can’t reach. The acidic toxins that seep out of the bacterial sludge can lead to cavities and inflamed, diseased gums. Helping even a couple straggling teeth find their proper place can actually leave you with a healthier mouth.

A Stealth Mission

For ultimate camouflage, tray or aligner systems render a modern straightening method. Designed with sophisticated software and 3D digital models of your teeth, a series of clear plastic trays produce the straightening results. Medical-grade plastic without wires, metal, springs, or rubber bands gently move your teeth into place. Gradual pressure on specific teeth with each aligner means less discomfort and shortened treatment times, in many cases. Your provider dispenses several sets of aligners at a time, allowing you to change to a new one at home every 2-3 weeks.

Removable trays can be set aside for short periods allowing normal eating and cleaning. Enjoying an apple without the intrusion of brackets and wires works well for many patients. And the smooth plastic surface offers a comfort level to the tongue and cheeks unequalled by other forms of straightening.

A system that can be taken out and set aside may be forgotten. Committing to consistent wear, at least 22 hours each day, helps ensure the success of your treatment. While clear aligners work extremely well for adults, a responsible teen can be a candidate too. The perks of straight teeth with aligners can be enjoyed by patients of many ages.


Something For Everyone

While aligner treatment works for 90% of straightening cases, some tooth movements may not be possible. Or you may simply prefer the security of fixed braces. More choices than ever exist for many procedures in dentistry allowing customized care for your situation. Shaenfield Family Dental can help you discover the path to a straighter smile.

You may discuss adding whitening to your plan, removing years of yellow stain accumulation. In some cases, the beauty of porcelains take a straight smile to another level or may even offer an alternative to orthodontics. And you may be pleasantly surprised to find a flexible payment option or undiscovered insurance benefits that make treatment closer than you think. To find out more, give us a call soon!


Dr. Uzma Hasheem

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